Thursday, September 10, 2009

College Soccer Memories...

Since I already mentioned my love for soccer, I wanted to post my favorite memories from playing since high school...

1. What would this post be without mentioning the early morning lines to get intramural schedules...this last time (just a week ago) I got there at 6:15am to find about 100 people already lined up! Good thing though that only 5 or so of them were girls.

2. Making my own teams freshman year with some random and not so random people...we ended up having a great team! Oly pride!

3. Coming home from the mission to find none of my old team members were still around...Thanks to my cousin Ryan I got on an awesome team! We were intramural coed spring champs 2007!

4. Summer pick-up games...especially those Monday nights and Saturday mornings!

5. Because of my spring team, getting onto a summer indoor league where I met the man of my dreams! I love you Taylor!

6. Getting an awesome women's team together in the fall that took it all again! 2007 intramural champs once again!

7. Winter pick-up games in the basement parking lot of the JFSB!

8. Playing with Taylor on future coed much fun and love watching him play! It's been a wonderful thing to have so much in common with the man I will be spending the rest of my life with.

9. Getting injured, but getting back into things with the help of soccer in fall 2008.

10. (I'm wanting to put here: "Fall 2009 Intramural champs again!"...but we'll see ;)Even though the actual playing soccer has been a lot of fun, I'm so grateful for all the people that I've met through many friends...and of course my wonderful husband, Taylor! It's cheesy, I know, but soccer brings people together!

Friday, September 4, 2009


I felt in the greatest shape of my life this summer and found out I was pregnant at the beginning of excited!!! The only sad thing though is I was feeling pretty tired and didn't end up doing the Kokepelli Tri in southern Utah. I was training to do the Olympic tri too! Maybe next summer :) although we'll see how it goes losing the baby fat and getting back in shape. I really couldn't be happier though and so excited to be having a baby! My plan is to continue running as much as I can and we'll see how long I'm able to do so :). Hooray for babies!